February 17, 2022


Five things that made me happy today:

1. Zoom. Even more than usual.

2. Really chilly today again. About a 40 degree drop in temp. And windy. Luckily, happily, I was only outside for maybe ten minutes altogether.

3. The Creative Community at church is putting April 24 on the calendar as the Return of the Creative Community Art Show and Sale. You should put it on your calendar too. 9 to 1. Part of the proceeds benefit the church.

4. Max got some lab work done today for a physical tomorrow and one of the other patients asked Max if she could touch his hair. I think that made his day! Although he probably won’t be telling anyone.

5. I early voted today. There was a yellow Honda Fit in the parking lot when I pulled in, next to an empty space, so I pulled in next to her. When I finished voting, the driver was waiting in her car. I rolled down my window and my first words were, Do you love your yellow car??? Yes, she answered excitedly. Really, driving a yellow car is so fun, in the midst of white, black, silver, etc. She agreed. When you’re the only color at the stop light, you want to get out of the car and dance. Clearly, there is a Sisterhood of the Yellow Car. [See first comment. Facebook is still not taking photos as part of the post.]

And you? Let’s hear what made you happy today.

Keep going.


Two yellow Hondas parked next to each other in a parking lot.



MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy
MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

Written by MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.

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