December 26, 2021


Five things that made me happy today:

1. Church. Only a few dozen folks at the service I went to. Still very satisfying. The sermon was about keeping/making a sabbath. Maybe more provocative than you might think.

2. Finished cleaning up the church kitchen with a friend from the 70s. We were two of the three staff members of The Women’s Center of Dallas. (Raise your hand if you remember that!) Our paths crossed again about ten years ago and, other than 35 years of history to catch up on, it’s like we never lost touch. Keep your good friends close.

3. Worked some more of my puzzle. A thing that happens with a good jigsaw puzzle is this: after a while you can see the thing, the rhythm, the colors, the patterns, and you start to wonder what the artist had in mind, and the people who cut the damn thing, and why you are spending hours putting something together that’s smaller than a card table top.

4. Edged my front lawn, and my neighbors’, with my handy dandy black and decker electric mower/edger. And I even mowed the back yard, which is basically wild. I was careful around the rabbit warren to not cut too close. I want them to be safe in the winter. If we ever have winter.

5. Watched Don’t Look Up. (Netflix) I enjoyed it. If you can watch it as a comedy and not get too sucked into the metaphor, it’s very enjoyable. The special effects are probably better in a theater. I recommend.

And you? I’d love to hear what made you happy any day.

Keep going.




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy
MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

Written by MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.

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