December 21, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. Ruby and I went for an MRI this morning. Part of her diagnosis process around her vertigo. Long wait in a sunny and quiet hospital. With no tv. Ruby is pleasant company on this, her birthday week.
2. Puttering around my house I notice that quite a few spiders have come in for the winter. They seem to like the right angle between walls and ceilings. I wonder why. It feels cozy to have them indoors. A few weeks ago one rode on my car for several days.
3. A new neighbor moved in across the street on the weekend. I think he has a golden retriever. I’m happy just watching that dog. Hope she lives there and isn’t just visiting.
4. Ruby did four more pages at Mathnasium tonight. Doesn’t sound like a lot but it is.
5. Working on my new puzzle is really slow going. I think I’m getting 5 to 10 pieces an hour. Maybe a few more. (Maybe I’ll count tomorrow.) It’s 1000 pieces, so it’ll be a while. It’s like going to another planet, though.
And you? What made you happy today?
Keep going.