December 13, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. A good person from the Plano Fire Department came today to change the batteries in all my smoke alarms. (I live in a house that is over-protected.) And I discovered even more city services, which might also be available where you live. Even more possible if you’re a senior. (Which starts at different ages in different ages and even different ages in the same place.)
2. I found a hat I’d knitted a few years ago that I forgot I had. I used to knit stocking hats with a rolled brim in whatever color caught my eye and give many of them away. It’s harder to knit now with my arthritis, so I’m super happy to have a surprise to admire and wear.
3. A Plano service I found out about this morning is Smart911. I’ll be registering tonight. Your city might have it too. It’s a safety profile for whoever lives at your house — single elder, memory loss, friendly dog, roommate sleeps in garage — whatever. Info for safety personnel only. You decide what goes in. Dispatcher can see it when you call 911. I feel very taken care of in this city.
4. Bright bright sunny day. I love my house on sunny days. I’m in the north half of the duplex, facing east, so I get light from three directions. Yay.
5. I cleaned some more in my art room. I may finally be ramping up to some art during school vacation. Only a few more days!
I’d love to hear what made you happy today.
Keep going.