December 12, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. Church. Even though I watched on line this morning.
1. Mañin Soto and Ruby came over for brunch today. Piles of eggs, bacon, sausage, and hash browns. In true Soto/Foster fashion, everyone ate a different combination.
2. I did not even start the car today.
3. I listened to about an hour of Christmas music today on WRR (the city station). I can sing along or hum with most of them. Can we have some new songs?
4. Rexie the cat is trying his charming best to get on my lap while I’m typing. His momma must not pay enough attention during the day.
5. Long and wonderful conversation with one of my oldest friends who is moving out of Texas next year. We’ve known each other since we were in our 30s. Sometimes years have gone by and we’ve traded a few letters or calls and then we resume where we left off. This period has been resume for the last four or five years. It makes me happy to have such friends.
I’d love to hear what made you happy today.
Keep going.