August 27, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. The crows I think of as my own personal murder are back today. They’ve been gone a couple of weeks. They came to the front yard and called and called and moved around to the kitchen window where they cawed from the fence and from the roof next door. I call to them and they stayed in the Bradford pear while I brought out their favorite peanuts. I think there were five of them. I only think I can tell them apart by their behavior!
2. Clipboards (the real kind with the big metal clip at the top) were invented about 1908, you might be glad to know. They were prominently waved around in a couple of Downtown Abbey episodes set in 1920 something. I thought I had spotted a Huge Anachronism but, alas, someone checked before I did.
3. Max stayed home for the third day and is definitely over the hump for his seasonal allergy (which happened this same week in 2019 and 2020), so he’s bored as can be and better by the hour. Hooray for time and rest and over-the-counter cold and allergy remedies.
4. I found these wonderful metal letters in the alley this week. I courteously left them for a day or two in case any of my neighbors were longing for them, but, no one acted so I brought them home. They’re rusting away on what’s left of my woodpile (Thank you, Mary Lou Hoffman) but they might come in to the mantle for the holidays. Or, who knows??? A happy find. Then I’ll set them out for someone else to enjoy.
5. A Dunkin’ Donut treat this morning. I like their Sour Cream variety.
And you? I’d love to hear what made you happy today.
Keep going.