August 19, 2021


Five things that made me happy today:

1. It’s Friday. We made it through the first full week of school. And all that implies. Yay, team.

2. I finally got a pair of yellow sneakers that fit. Long story. They’re Vans. That’s a first.

3. Lunch with my favorite son, Eric Loehr, at a Thai restaurant in a neighborhood where I used to live. It was good, and plenty. And the conversation was great too.

4. I only keep about a month of calendar in my bujo, adding the next month during the last week of the current month. I figured out a way to get future dates recorded so I only have to enter them once. It’s paper. It’s simple. Can’t believe I didn’t see it before. Yay, me.

5. Ruby is amenable to a style book, so we started one today. I’ll post once in a while.

I’d love to hear what made you happy today. Or any day!

Keep going.




MarySue Foster/5 things that made me happy

This will be the home of 5 Things That Made Me Happy Today. Soon that will be the title. Starting with just a few entries.