April 6, 2022
1 min readApr 7, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
- Another great family dinner last night — six of us this time, at a restaurant the Soto family frequents. It’s always interesting how the wait person susses out who’s in charge.
- I zipped over to the Soto house to eat the leftovers tonight since I don’t have a microwave. Almost as good the second time.
- Last night and this morning I finished a little 500-piecer that Lorlee Bartos and Launa Kliever and I have passed among our group. Let me know if you’d like to have it. I’d even ship it if you ask nicely.
- Overnight the trees have gone from barely budding to fully leafed out. Every spring it’s a surprise how fast that transition goes. Spring is here.
- This is the time of day when I appreciate Daylight Saving. Ready for a neighborhood walk and some good reading time.
Your turn! What made you happy today?
Keep going.