April 28, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
1. Thursday is Zoom Day and I have three zooms right in a row. Which is close to the limit for my attention span.
2. Creative community was just about a full house today and all of us still somewhat high from Sunday’s sale. We brought in about $10K, the most we have ever done — clearly we know our audience and they came ready to buy. Plus some of our members create some pretty high dollar items. Yay, us. Twenty percent goes to the people of Ukraine.
3.I had last night’s salmon in tonight’s pasta salad. I tried a new cast iron skillet recipe last night and it was yummy. Sears the salmon on the skin side and cooks the rest at a pretty heat. Very yummy.
4. Nice, impromptu conversation with my duplex-mates this afternoon. We were all out checking the mail and enjoying some mild weather. Hotness coming soon!
5. Getting some items cleared out of my studio space and into the Salvation Army stack or Marketplace.
Your turn! What made you happy today? Stories and pictures welcome.
Keep going.