April 26, 2022
2 min readApr 27, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
- I remembered that my youngest grandson has the same computer cover on his Mac Book that I do. I don’t know why that tickles me so.
- All the grandkids had sport/extra curricular activities tonight. It’s a good thing but calls for reinforcements on the family spectator team.
- Ruby’s team won their make-up game tonight. 6 to 1, I believe. A big spate of scoring in the middle of the game — which is very exciting to watch and to play. She had one pretty amazing dribble for several yards and a last-minute shot at the goal, which she missed. Still a lot of fun.
- I had my first of three sessions in the Aging and Memory study that I’m doing at UT Health Science Center. I think this is my third round. They call me back every couple of years and I am glad to give them data. I don’t get any of the results, just a thank you and a $150 gift card, and my MRI brain scan.
- I met my down-the-alley neighbor who is forever blocking the alley with workmen’s trucks or his own since he built his fence across the end of his driveway and is forced to park in the alley when he’s working back there. We yelled at each other excitedly for a while but keep exchanging information until he saw what was making me mad about his blocking the alley and I saw why he was doing it. Sometimes you just have to stick it out through the discomfort.
You? I’d love to hear what made you happy today. Or any day.
Keep going.