April 20, 2022
Five things that made me happy today:
1. Ruby’s soccer team won 9 to 0, or something like that. Hard to keep track. The winds were about 30 knots, gusting higher. It was quite a factor, blowing across the field. The girls played well.
2. I got my postcards for Sunday’s show from the printer and I like the way they look. Now to finish the back side.
3. Driving home at 730 or so, heading west, on a dusty day, passing a couple of farms that have stayed farms in the midst of lots of development, the horses are especially striking.
4. Our Partnership study group switched up things this afternoon and interviewed in pairs. Fun and revealing. I’ll never stop learning.
5. Taking a new gander at Foucault. My latest thought is, he’s autistic. Although it would have been called Asperger’s in his time. Seems to explain a lot about his behavior and thinking. Yes, that makes me happy.
Your turn. What made you happy today? Pictures and words are welcome. Please share.
Keep going.
Half a dozen of these Old & Rusty Texana pieces are still available. 20 x 20", acrylic and collage on canvas, ready to hang