April 13, 2021
Five things that made me happy today:
1. A clean bill of health from my dentist. I have two — my regular guy and my implant guy. This was my implant guy. (Dr Tanur. Highly recommend.) Yay.
2. I delivered the evening program for the Women’s Evening Alliance at First Unitarian Church of Dallas. We talked about What Do You Love About Your Life and practiced writing #5Things. It’s really a great program, if I say so myself. I love doing it.
3. Tomorrow is Max’s presentation for school. We are all excited and looking forward. However it turns out, it has been quite an adventure for him to put it together.
4. Boy, Max is really getting informed about car mechanics. That’s now one of the half dozen areas of his encyclopedic knowledge. Pretty amazing.
5. Mr Mockingbird is back at work in my front hedge. I love hearing him singing. How does that work anyway?
I’d love to hear what made you happy today.
Keep going.